December 10, 2015 Meeting

Topic: Trade Street Widening Project-Town of Matthews, North Carolina

Presenter: Mr. Ben Taylor, P.E.

Ben will be presenting the "Trade Street Widening Project" currently under construction for the Town of Matthews. This heavily congested corridor will benefit from added travel lanes, bike lanes, and sidewalks. The presentation will discuss the traffic planning, roadway design, and construction. The presentation will also include the future crossing of Four Mile Creek.

Ben Taylor has been a Project Manager for Kimley-Horn and Associates for over a decade. Before that, he worked at NYSDOT for 7 years. Throughout his career, Ben has led transportation-focused projects including roadway widenings, roadway re-alignments, intersection reconfigurations, interchange reconfigurations, bridge replacements, and greenway projects in NC, SC, and GA. He is a registered Professional Engineer in NC and GA.

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