ASCE North Carolina’s 2026 Infrastructure Report Card Plans

As civil engineers, we all understand the need for infrastructure. Infrastructure plays a part in most of our lives. It’s how we get to work, enjoy an event, or have clean water to drink. That’s why ASCE NC is dedicating resources to working on the next ASCE North Carolina Infrastructure Report Card. We completed our last report card in 2013. Please also see below for a summary of the 2013 report card as well as previous state report cards.

We will be evaluating critical infrastructure categories such as bridges, dams, drinking water, roads, and several more. ASCE NC leadership has begun to lay out a roadmap for completing the next ASCE NC Infrastructure Report Card. If you are interested in helping with the report card, please contact ASCE NC Governor Chas Webb at All help and input is welcome!

Tentative Timeline:

  • Summer 2024 – Identify categories and category champions

  • Fall 2024 through Spring 2025 – Collect data

  • Summer 2025 – Analyze data and begin writing report

  • Fall of 2025 – Finish writing the report

  • Early 2026 – Finalize and publish report

ASCE Report Card on America's Infrastructure

We modeled the North Carolina Infrastructure Report Card after the Report Card for America’s Infrastructure, which the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) originally released in 1998. The North Carolina Section last released the 2013 for our home state.

ASCE's 2013 Report Card for North Carolina's Infrastructure is available now at:

ASCE's 2021 Report Card for America's Infrastructure is available now at:
Or view the report as a PDF.