Region 4 Director, Mr. Robert Cagle
I am Bob Cagle and I am the Region 4 Director. I am a lifelong resident of North Carolina, graduated from NC State, earned an MBA from UNC-W and had a great career with the US Army Corps of Engineers. I have been a member of ASCE since I was a Student Member at NC State, I transitioned directly to Associate Member, became a full Member and then was fortunate to be elected a Fellow of the Society. I have been a member of the Coastal Branch and the Eastern Branch, served as an officer in the branch and the Section, served as the Region 4 Governor, and served on several national committees. My association with ASCE has been very fulfilling and I am honored to be given the opportunity to represent North Carolina as a Director of Region 4. In that role, I will be serving as a connection from the Section and Branches to the National Board of Direction with Region 4 Governor, Bobbie Shields. Region 4 is made up of eight sections, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Arkansas, Kentucky and Indiana. I look forward to attending Branch meetings, Younger Member meetings, visiting Student Chapters and serving the membership of the North Carolina Section and ASCE to the best of my ability.
You can review ASCE National’s Board of Direction at their website.