Engineers Week
National Engineers Week, takes place each year at the time of George Washington's birthday.
Engineers Week is a program to increase public awareness of engineers' contributions to society by celebrating innovation and technology. Engineers Week targets middle school students and promotes staying in school and specifically promotes science and mathematics through presentations and hands-on demonstrations.
The Section Board of Directors has agreed to fund each NC branch for Engineers Week materials used in classroom outreach.
Verd Anna:
Thank you for your contributions to our school during Engineering Week. It means so much when engineering professionals share their experiences and expertise with our students.Thank you for your time and altruism, and we hope to see you back at Brentwood again soon.
Thank you,
Rob Epler and the Students and Staff at Brentwood
ASCE invites you to volunteer to visit a school in your area. To help in your volunteer efforts, the NC ASCE Section has the information links available to you to help you get geared up for your volunteer efforts. Feel free to contact one of the ASCE Branch coordinators for additional information on volunteering and obtaining materials.
Outreach Highlights:
- Approximately 2000 kids have been reached!
- Southern Branch members visited various classrooms for Engineers Week activities this year. Approximately 100 kids were reached!
- Highlights of Engineers Week project for 8th grade math teacher Jennifer Bumgardner’s class at Jay M. Robinson Middle school in Charlotte on WCCB Fox News Rising (Wilson's World)
- Several Eastern Branch members volunteered at the Future City competition.
- The Eastern Branch has assisted Brentwood Elementary with their Engineers Week activities over the past few years. (move the current thank you note image and quotation up to here)
- Jonathan Pittman visited a classroom at Hope Academy in Greensboro, NC, where the kids built and tested models of dams.
- The Northern Branch has assisted NC A&T and CERT with their Energy Day activities over the past few years.
Engineers Week 2014
Engineers Week 2014
Engineers Week 2015
Engineers Week Resources:
- DiscoverE - Engineers Week
- DiscoverE - Our Activities
- DiscoverE – Career Outlook
- ZOOM into Engineering Activities (K-5)
- Building BIG Educators Guide (grades 6-8)
- "Fetch with Ruff Ruffman” – activities for age 6-10 years
- Engineering Education Center
- Teach Engineering – Resources for K-12
- Bridge Designer Software. FREE!
Coordinator contact information:
Verd Anna Pettigrew
NC Section Coordinator
Eastern Branch
Raleigh Area
(919) 760-1747
Verd Anna Pettigrew
Eastern Branch
Raleigh Area
Kelsie Anderson
Southern Branch
Charlotte Area
Stephanie Pluta
Northern Branch
Greensoboro Area
John Gardner
Western Branch
Asheville Area
Winslow Goins
Coastal Branch
Wilmington Area