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Disaster Response Volunteer Inspector Program

AIA North Carolina, in collaboration with the Structural Engineers Association (SEA) and the American Society of Civil Engineers is organizing a post disaster volunteer inspector program. Our organizations are formalizing a partnering agreement with the North Carolina Department of Public Safety Division of Emergency Management. The goal is to provide the State with the manpower necessary to efficiently and effectively evaluate buildings and infrastructure so our residents can return to their homes and businesses as quickly as possible following a hurricane or other disaster.

The goal is to train and equip professionals with the credentials to gain access to disaster sites and assigned public safety escorts to accompany inspection teams during evaluations. This course and certification process will establish a database of certified volunteers that can be called up in the event of a disaster.

Participants can earn 6 development hours.

You must meet the following to be certified as a volunteer inspector and included in the volunteer database:

  1. Licensure as a Professional Engineer or Registered Architect
  2. Completion of the Post Disaster Emergency Assessment Course (6 HSW Hours, registration below).
  3. Completion of two (2) online FEMA training courses on the Incident Command System**
    a. Course IS-100.b "Introduction to the Incident Command System"
    b. Course IS-200.b "Single Resource and Initial Action Incidents"

**The FEMA courses are free and can be completed on your own and at your own pace.  Each course will take you 2 to 3 hours to compete.  

Register for the Kinston
Post Disaster Emergency Assessment Course
This class is the same class held in November 2015 in Raleigh and Charlotte. If you've previously taken this class, you do not need to take it again. 

Date: June 17, 2016
Time: 9:00 am until 5:00 pm
Location: Lenoir Community College                
Cost: Early prices are $125 for members, $150 for non-members.

Early prices expire June 6!

Later Event: October 5
The 2016 ASCE Fall Conference