August, 2015 Dinner
Speaker: Mohammad Pour-Ghaz, Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Date: Thursday, August 20, 2015
Topic: Advanced Imaging Techniques for Structural Health Monitoring
Presentation: PDF
Summary: Dr. Pour-Ghaz discussed applications of an emerging imaging technology for monitoring civil infrastructure. He described the development of a large-area sensing-skin for damage detection in concrete structures. The developed sensing-skin consists of a thin layer of electrically conductive paint that is applied to the surface of the concrete. Cracking of the concrete structure results in the rupture of the sensing-skin, decreasing its electrical conductivity locally. The decrease in conductivity is detected with electrical impedance tomography (EIT) imaging. He then described the use of EIT for monitoring water ingress in concrete and compare the results of EIT with neutron radiography measurements. He demonstrated the potential of EIT imaging modality for nondestructive testing and structural health monitoring of concrete structures.
Mohammad Pour-Ghaz is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering at North Carolina State University. Pour-Ghaz studies the durability of reinforced concrete materials and structures with the goal of better understanding the deterioration mechanisms and distress factors affecting the concrete infrastructure. His studies aim at developing mechanistic models for accurate service life prediction of concrete infrastructure and developing test methods for fundamental material characterization. Pour-Ghaz also performs research in the area of Nondestructive Testing (NDT) and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). Specifically, he investigates the use of electrical, ultrasonic, acoustic, and hybrid imaging for monitoring damage development and moisture ingress in concrete.
Sponsor: Kimley-Horn