July, 2013 Luncheon
Speaker: Greg Lucier, Laboratory Manager, Constructed Facilities Laboratory, NCSU
Date: Thursday, July 25, 2013
Topic: Development of a Rational Design Procedure for Precast Concrete Spandrel Beams
Download: Presentation, MP4 #1 | AVI #1, MP4 #2 | AVI #2
Summary: Precast concrete slender spandrel beams are commonly used in parking structures to transfer vertical loads from deck sections to columns. In addition, slender spandrels often serve as a railing or barrier around the exterior edge of the parking structure. The main objective of this research program was to develop rational design guidelines for precast concrete slender spandrel beams. These design guidelines are expected to simplify the reinforcement detailing required for slender spandrels. The results of the research can be read in "Behavior of precast, prestressed concrete sandwich wall panels reinforced with CFRP shear grid" and "Development of a rational design methodology for precast concrete slender spandrel beams: Part 2, Analysis and design guidelines".