2021 North Carolina ASCE Award Nominations

We’re excited that the 2021 Fall Conference is back in person. As is tradition with the Fall Conference, the annual awards will be conducted as well. We are seeking nominations for four categories:

  1. Project of the Year

  2. Engineer of the Year

  3. Young Engineer of the Year

  4. Student Chapter Member of the Year

Each nomination comes with a different set of criteria, however they all share the same goal of advancing civil engineering within the state of North Carolina. Nominations are due by August 20th.

This nomination form contains a summary of the awards and a separate sheet for each award.

Please submit nominations or questions to Chas Webb at Charles.webb@raleighnc.gov.

ASCE NC Web Director
ASCE 2021 Multi-Region Leadership Conference

The ASCE 2021 Multi-Region Leadership Conference MRLC will be held virtually April 7 through 10, 2021, and is free to attend. The conference agenda is available on ASCE Collaborate. Topics include Government Relations, Membership, Foundation Grants, Mentoring Training, Engineering Ethics for Volunteer Leaders, Engaging Students, and Community Outreach. There are also opportunities to interact with Society Leaders in Q&As. They are planning for 2 1/2-hour sessions each afternoon, from 2pm to about 4:30pm.

MRLC Zoom link: https://asce-org.zoom.us/j/94594068965?pwd=R1BKZmV3V0RXU3I2UUczYTRVTzg0dz09
Find your local number: https://asce-org.zoom.us/u/abItjjuaGK
Meeting ID: 945 9406 8965; Passcode: 728341

ASCE NC Web Director
Disaster Response Volunteer Inspector Program

AIA North Carolina, in collaboration with the Structural Engineers Association (SEA) and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is organizing a post disaster volunteer inspector program. Our organizations have a partner agreement (MOU) with the North Carolina Department of Public Safety Division of Emergency Management. The goal is to provide the State with the manpower necessary to efficiently and effectively evaluate buildings and infrastructure so our residents can return to their homes and businesses as quickly as possible following a hurricane or other disaster.

The goal is to train and equip professionals with the credentials to gain access to disaster sites and assigned public safety escorts to accompany inspect teams during evaluations. This course and certification process will add volunteers to the established database of certified volunteers that can be called up in the event of a disaster. In addition, the course can be taken to renew your Cal OES certification for another 5 years.

You must meet the following to be certified as a volunteer inspector and included in the volunteer database:

1. Licensure as a Professional Engineer or Registered Architect

2. Completion of the Post Disaster Emergency Assessment Course (6 HSW Hours, registration below).

3. Completion of two (2) online FEMA training courses on the Incident Command System**
a. Course IS-100.C “Introduction to the Incident Command System”
b. Course IS-200.C “Single Resource and Initial Action Incidents”

**The FEMA courses are free, can be completed on your own and at your own pace. Each course will take you 2 to 3 hours to compete.

Register for Post Disaster Emergency Assessment Course and Earn 6 HSW Hours!
Date: November 22, 2019
Time: 8:00 am until 4:00 pm
Location: NC National Guard Joint Force Headquarters at 1636 Gold Star Drive, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699
Cost: Early prices are $125 for members, $150 for non-members. Early Prices expire November 8th!
RSVP: Register online!

ASCE NC Web Director
2019-2020 ASCE North Carolina Section Officer and Committee Positions

The NC Section has opportunities for an officer and committee members for the 2019-2020 year. The 2019-2020 NC Section Board will be installed at the end of October during a section meeting. All applicants will be notified no later than October 31st with the election results.

ASCE 2019-2020 ASCE NC Section Application

The NC Section Officer position available is Vice President

The NC Section is also looking if you are interested in joining or starting a new committee you can indicate that within the application The active committee positions we are looking for are the following:

  • 2020 Report Card Committee
    NC Section Budget Committee
    NC Section Scholarship Fund Committee

Please be sure to have your ASCE member number available for the registration form. Officer Nominations will be accepted until 5:00PM on Friday, October 25th, 2019.

ASCE NC Web Director
2019 North Carolina ASCE Awards Nominations

The North Carolina Section's Awards Committee is seeking nominations for the following awards:

2019 Project of the Year
2019 Engineer of the Year
2019 Young Engineer of the Year
2019 Student Chapter Member of the Year

The Awards Committee requests that North Carolina Section Members of ASCE please submit recommendations for each award. In making recommendations, please submit appropriate biographical and/or documented data as requested in the award statements. There are no special forms to submit. A resume, letter of recommendation, and any other pertinent information will be acceptable.

Please review the enclosed information and submit recommendations. It is preferred that recommendation packages are submitted as a Microsoft Word document (.doc) or PDF, and submitted electronically. It is requested that each ASCE Section member submit to the Awards Chair in one e-mail message.

The deadline for recipients of recommendations is by COB Friday, September 13th, 2019. If you have any questions about the awards process, please contact us at brian.pownall@kimley-horn.com.

ASCE NC Web Director