ASCE NC Fall Technical Conference - Call for Abstracts
As announced earlier, our Fall Technical Conference will be held in Charlotte, North Carolina, on October 26, 2017. The North Carolina ASCE Section is seeking relevant and significant cutting edge research and case studies covering multiple engineering-related modes and technologies that can be presented during the conference. This is a CALL FOR ABSTRACTS on topics in the following categories:
- Water Resources and Environmental
- Structures
- Construction & Materials
- Transportation
- Geotechnical
- Management and Sustainability
- Professional Issues (laws, ethics, etc.)
Abstracts should not exceed 300 words and should contain enough information for the reviewers to assess the significance of the work to be presented and published (for example, objective, scope, methodology, and significant findings or lessons learned). Your proposed abstract should appeal to a broad range of professionals including practitioners, academics, researchers, industry professionals at varying levels, and students. Conference attendees should leave with a heightened knowledge of the topic and possible solutions to the problems presented and discussed.
Abstracts and requests for information should be sent to David Harris at Please include the words ‘ASCE Annual Meeting ABSTRACT’ in the subject heading.
The deadline for submitting your abstract is August 1, 2017.
You can review the Call for Abstracts document for additional details.