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RSVP Online - 2016 Spring Technical Seminar

The ASCE NC Section cordially invites you to the 2016 Spring Technical Seminar on March 9th, 2016. 
Please mark your calendars and plan to join your fellow ASCE members alongside faculty and students at the newly renovated NC State's Talley Student Union for the annual Spring Tech.  There is a call for papers on topics in the following categories: geotechnical, water resources, structural, construction materials, transportation, and engineering management.

The 2016 Spring Technical Seminar is a great opportunity to get PDHs and connect with other professionals and students. The program provides up to 7 PDHs and lunch is included.

View the Schedule of Presentations

 ASCE Members:  $85.00
 Non-Members:  $95.00
 ASCE Life Members:  $20.00
 ASCE Student Chapter Members:  No Charge

Register online now!

Please contact Kevin Nadeau for more information or with questions.

The NCSU's Tally Student Union is located at 2610 Cates Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27695.