Successful Stream Cleanup
On May 20th, 2017, 8 brave warriors, donning knee boots, plastic gloves, and an array of garbage bags, “took to the streams” in a heroic effort to rid Hare Snipe Creek of various and sundry unwanted man-made goods (ie, trash). For over 2 hours, these valiant ASCE members, including younger members and students, slogged tirelessly through over 1.5 miles of brush, waste-deep water, and steep embankments, seeking out all kinds of metal cans, tires, unwanted grocery bags, and even a large section of PVC pipe, and properly disposing of it at the appropriate designated location. The City of Raleigh oversees the Adopt-a-Stream program, of which ASCE has faithfully served for many years. While our involvement has kept a small section of Raleigh’s waterways clean, enabling mankind and native wildlife alike to enjoy the natural beauty of this gem of a stream for generations to come, a continued effort to put trash in its place by all Raleigh residents and a willing attitude by ASCE volunteers to help out with this biannual activity will help our community win the battle against unwanted litter and keep our streams clean.