April, 2024 Luncheon
Speaker: F. Ross Stroud, CDM Smith
Date: Thursday, April 18, 2024
Topic: The East Neuse Regional Pump Station - The Design, Construction, and Startup of one of NC's Largest Wastewater Pump Stations
Presentation: Video
Summary: Raleigh Water’s new East Neuse Regional Pump Station is part of a program to supplement the main arteries of their wastewater collection system and also aid in improving service for partner municipalities. This facility will allow removal of flow from the Neuse River basin and the Wendell service area from the existing lift station and interceptor system. In addition, the facility will allow diversion of flow from the Crabtree and Walnut Creek basins during extreme wet-weather events. This project presents CORPUD with an interesting challenge, however— how to design and build a pump station to operate efficiently with dry-weather flows in the range of 20 mgd, while still accommodating wet-weather flows exceeding 100 mgd. Adding to the challenge is the depth of the pump station dictated by upstream river crossings while avoiding inverted siphons or multiple pump stations.
This presentation will discuss aspects of pump station design, construction, and startup. Focus topics include physical hydraulic modeling to optimize the wetwell design, equipment and pump selection to accommodate the wide range of flows, construction challenges including deep excavation, river crossing, pipe connections and installation, and the startup coordination between the pump station projects and the interconnecting infrastructure.
Bio: Ross Stroud, P.E., is an Associate Engineer at CDM Smith in Raleigh NC. He has a B.S. in Civil Engineering from N.C. State University, and has been involved in the design and construction of wastewater and water treatment and conveyance systems for more years than he wants to admit. Ross is a member of NC One Water, and the Water Environment Federation. He is a native North Carolinian and now resides in Raleigh.