October, 2020 Presentation
Speaker: Taruna Tayal, PMP - VHB, WTS
Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Topic: Women's Transportation Seminar (WTS) Overview, Probe Data for Transportation Planning
Presentation: Recording available
Summary: Ms. Tayal plans to discuss WTS's mission, activities, and how others can get involved. She’ll also present use of probe data for Transportation Planning and Congestion Management.
Taruna is a result-driven technology service leader and planner with extensive experience in transportation planning and GIS, both as project manager and technical analyst. She has broad expertise that encompasses GIS application processes, resource planning, operations, and IT management. She has been directly involved in applied technology projects providing transportation technology solutions to the clients for streamlining the workflow, automating the processes, data analytics, and providing project management. After retirement, she wants to pursue her dreams of becoming a professional landscape photographer or painter, or perhaps both. Taruna serves as the President of WTS NC-Triangle Chapter and has served as Fundraising Chair and Treasurer in the past where she helped get the accounts in order and improve the financial stability of the Chapter.