April, 2018 Luncheon

Speaker: Greg Eades, Facility Operations Branch Chief at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Date: Thursday, April 19, 2018

Topic: Beneficial Use of Air Handling Unit Condensate for Laboratory HVAC Energy and Water Recovery in Hot and Humid Climates

Presentation: N.A.

Summary:  Despite considerable research into water conservation by reusing air handling unit (AHU) condensate in hot and humid climates, relatively few studies explore the potential for energy conservation by capturing and using waste energy. This presentation describes the methodology used to analyze and predict AHU condensate’s energy and water recovery potential by presenting a case study for a 100% outside air laboratory building located in Raleigh,  North Carolina. Results indicate up to 10% energy and 31% water savings utilizing this approach.

Mr. Eades currently serves as the Facility Operations Branch Chief for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Research Triangle Park, North Carolina Campus. He has also held a variety of engineering positions for the State of North Carolina, the private sector, and the United States Air Force. His bachelors and masters degrees in Civil Engineering are from North Carolina State University. Mr. Eades is a North Carolina registered Professional Engineer and a Certified Energy Manager.

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