November, 2013 Luncheon
Speaker: Craig M. Newton, PE
Date: Thursday, November 21, 2013
Topic: The Planning Process for the Union Station Project
Download: Presentation Part 1 | Presentation Part 2
Summary: The first Raleigh Union Station was built in 1892 and still stands at the corner of Dawson and Martin Streets, though it was abandoned as a train station in 1950. Since then, multiple plans and studies identified the Boylan Wye as the best area for a new union station or Multi-Modal Transportation Center. The City of Raleigh, NCDOT, and Triangle Transit recently aligned their efforts to develop plans for a new Raleigh Union Station, which will adaptively reuse a 1960’s-era industrial building. The $73 million project is partially funded, design teams have been selected and began work in January 2013, and completion is scheduled for 2017. This session will review the project history, feasibility, costs, funding, schedule, and benefits.
Mr. Newton is a native of Raleigh, and a 1988 graduate of NC State University with a BS in Civil Engineering. He began working with the NCDOT Rail Division in 2000, and oversees the NCDOT Train Station Improvement Program, and other Rail Facilities projects. He has also worked in municipal government and in private sector engineering.